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18. Approve the Resolution Regulating Parking on Fremont Road between La Paloma and <br />Concepcion Drive (Staff: S. Garcia) <br />City Manager Cahill introduced the item to the Council and explained that the resolution allows <br />the Town to regulate parking on Fremont Road between La Paloma Road and Concepcion Drive. <br />No -parking signs would be added if parking became an issue. <br />Council discussion ensued. Concern was raised about to many no -parking signs. City Attorney <br />Steve Mattas advised that a category of vehicles could be specified, such as commercial vehicles. <br />City Manager Cahill suggested that staff revise the resolution to specify commercial vehicles. <br />Staff would like to work with the property owners regarding the parking of vehicles. <br />19. Consideration of City Council Summer Meeting Schedule (Staff. N. Pegueros) <br />Councilmember Mordo advised that he would be out of the country in August; Councilmember <br />Radford advised that he would unable to attend the meeting in September. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Radford, seconded by Mordo and passed <br />unanimously to cancel the August City Council meeting. <br />Council concurred to discuss the September meeting date at the July Council meeting. <br />PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT <br />20. Notification of Planning Commission Approval <br />Lands of Ahy, Conditional Development Permit for a 788 Square foot First Floor <br />Addition; 13500 Fremont Road: File #77-11-ZP-SD-CDP (Staff: D. Pedro) <br />• Planning Commission Vote: 4-0 (Partridge absent) <br />• Appeal Deadline: 5:00 pm, June 24, 2011 <br />Planning Director Pedro introduced the item to the Council and explained that the <br />Planning Commission approved the application on June 2, 2011. The lot is substandard; <br />the proposed addition is 788 square feet which meets the Town's standards. <br />21. Status Update of Historical Resources Review: Lands of Yong, 13456 South Fork <br />Lane; File #249-10-ZP-SD-GD (verbal report) (Staff: D. Pedro) <br />Planning Director Pedro introduced the item to the Council. A hearing for a new <br />residence was held on May 31, 2011; the hearing was continued because the Town <br />received a letter from the National Trust for Historical Preservation stating that the <br />property is not exempt from CEQA because the home was the prior residence of writer <br />Wallace Stegner and could be considered a potential historical resource. Staff consulted <br />with the City Attorney and is ready to contract with a historical preservation consultant to <br />evaluate the property. Mr. Yong contacted staff and requested holding off on <br />commissioning the study until his attorney is brought up to date. Staff is waiting for Mr. <br />Yong's direction on whether to proceed with the project. <br />9 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 16, 2011 <br />