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moves forward, the commission will be able to utilize funds from various grants <br />to meet the needs of seniors. Recommendations to meet the needs were outlined. <br />Council discussion ensued about setting aside some money for senior scholarships <br />and support of the Senior Commission. It was suggested that the Town look at <br />what Los Altos contributed and determine an appropriate amount for Los Altos <br />Hills' contribution, based on the percentage of residents age 55 and older in each <br />town. Los Altos has contributed $1,600. Los Altos Hills has about 20% fewer <br />seniors than Los Altos, and can budget accordingly. <br />C. Appointments to Standing Committees <br />1. Pathways Committee (1 member) <br />Mayor Summit invited Pathways Committee applicant Joe Kleitman to <br />introduce himself. <br />Joe Kleitman, Los Altos Hills, introduced himself and said he was looking <br />forward to working with the Town and Pathways Committee. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Waldeck, seconded by <br />Larsen and passed unanimously to appoint Joseph Kleitman to the Pathways <br />Committee. <br />2. Finance and Investment Committee (1 member) <br />Mayor Summit invited Finance and Investment Committee applicant Kjell <br />"Shell" Karlsson to introduce himself. <br />Kjell "Shell" Karlsson, Los Altos Hills, introduced himself and said it was an <br />honor to be appointed to the committee and he is looking forward to being as <br />useful as possible. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Mordo, seconded by <br />Waldeck and passed unanimously to appoint Kjell "Shell" Karlsson to the <br />Finance and Investment Committee. <br />2. AGENDA REVIEW <br />There were no changes to the agenda. <br />3. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Larsen, seconded by Radford and <br />passed unanimously to approve the CONSENT CALENDAR with the exception of <br />Items 3.A, 3.G, 3.I and 3.J specifically: <br />A. Approval of Meeting Minutes: City Council Regular Meeting - July 21, 2011 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />September 22, 2011 <br />