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Item 3.A Approval of Meeting Minutes: City Council Regular Meeting - July 21, <br />2011 was removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. <br />Mayor Summit asked that Item 15 on the July 21, 2011 minutes note that the item <br />was for the library. <br />City Clerk Deborah Padovan said that she would make the correction. <br />Item 3.G Resolution 50-11 Approving GIS Based Asset Management Program <br />Implementation Agreement for Sanitary Sewer System was removed from the <br />Consent Calendar for discussion. <br />Council Member Mordo stated that on items 3.G, 3.I and 3.J there were comments <br />from Allan Epstein. He asked that staff comment on Mr. Epstein's comments. <br />City Manager Carl Cahill replied that engineering staff had prepared responses to <br />Mr. Epstein's comments. <br />Public Works Director Richard Chiu told Council that regarding Item 3.G, staff has <br />clarified several items with Veolia. Veolia clarified the information to be loaded in <br />Phase 1 and the documents used to build the Town's asset management system. <br />Additionally, the cost of Phase 1 was a typo and has been corrected to indicate the <br />correct price. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Larsen, seconded by Mordo <br />and passed unanimously to approve Consent Calendar Item 3.G Resolution 50-11 <br />Approving GIS Based Asset Management Program Implementation Agreement for <br />Sanitary Sewer System. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Larsen, seconded by Mordo <br />and passed unanimously to approve Consent Calendar Item 3.A Approval of Meeting <br />Minutes: City Council Regular Meeting - July 21, 2011, as corrected. <br />Item 3.I Approval of Compaction Roller Purchase for Public Works was removed <br />from the Consent Calendar for discussion. <br />Director Chiu told Council that staff recommends the purchase of a new roller. <br />More analysis was done about renting a roller and staff determined that some <br />activities can be scheduled and performed during a weekly rental. However, other <br />activities cannot wait. The State of California has very stringent air quality standards <br />and lower tier engines will need to be retrofitted sooner. <br />Council discussion ensued regarding changes and cost to the lower tier engines. <br />Director Chiu stated that the cost varies according to the technology available. The <br />requirement is to use the best technology available at the time and when that time <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />September 22, 2011 <br />