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Mayor Larsen outlined the procedure in which the appeal would be heard. The <br />appellants will be allowed to speak openly with no time limit. Public comments are <br />limited to two minutes each. The appellant has requested the ability to cross-examine <br />witness that provide live testimony at this meeting. If the appellant would like to ask <br />questions, all questions must be addressed through the Mayor who will ask the <br />individuals to respond accordingly. If the appellant has any questions, he/she must ask <br />them at the conclusion of each speaker, rather than at the end of all speakers. Each <br />member of the public who speaks receives a two -minute limit. Any additional questions <br />are not included in that two -minute limit. The cross-examination questions must be <br />specific to the subject matter and addressed to the Mayor, who will screen the questions. <br />There shall be no cross examination on documents unless necessary to authenticate. <br />City Manager Carl Cahill presented the staff report. <br />Ex Parte Communication. Council Member Radford reported that he had contact with <br />Susan Stark three or four weeks ago to discuss the matter. Council Member Summit <br />stated that she had no contact with owners or neighbors other than receiving emails. <br />Council Member Mordo had a brief phone call. Vice Mayor Waldeck met with Mr. <br />Behn in November and received several emails from Susan Stark. Mayor Larsen had a <br />conversation with Mr. Scher at the Pet Parade and he has spoken with Mr. Behn via <br />telephone. <br />Martina Contraras responded to Vice Mayor Waldeck's questions regarding her report <br />dated May 9, 2012. <br />Mr. Gerald Scher and Ms. Susan Stark presented their appeal to the City Council. <br />Jacqueline Scher spoke regarding the November 7, 2011 incident. <br />Mia Scher read a statement. <br />Julie Bond, Certified Animal Behaviorist, spoke on behalf of the Scher Family. <br />Trish Wamsat, Adobe Dogs, spoke on behalf of the Scher family. <br />Council discussion with appellants ensued. <br />Mayor Larsen opened the PUBLIC HEARING. <br />Justin Berglund, Los Altos, stated the reason the Creekside Oaks Homeowners <br />Association wrote a letter regarding the dogs because of the public hearing notice. He <br />added that none of the experts have evaluated the dogs while off the property. <br />Lindsay Carpenter, Los Altos, observed two black Labradors on Sunday, June 2nd at <br />approximately 10:40 a.m. running down the street. There were no adults and no leashes <br />present. <br />2 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />June 11, 2012 <br />