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Council recess at 10:00 p.m. <br />Council reconvened at 10:08 p.m. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Vice Mayor Waldeck, seconded <br />by Council Member Mordo and passed unanimously to grant the appeal by Mr. Scher <br />and Ms Stark regarding the revocation of the Dangerous Animal Permits (DAP -1-10 and <br />DAP -2-10); accept the agreement by Mr. Scher and Ms. Stark to keep the dogs <br />adequately secured on the property in either the existing enclosure or within a <br />combination of existing and newly constructed fencing (pursuant to fence permit) that <br />will adequately contain the dangerous animals on the property located at 25280 Cantata <br />Way (APN 175-39-006)• accept the voluntary withdrawal by Mr. Scher and Ms. Stark <br />regarding the request to reconsider the dangerous animal determinations: and accept the <br />agreement by Mr. Scher and Ms Stark to abide by all existing dangerous animal permit <br />conditions If the dogs are found unrestrained outside of an enclosure, Mr. Scher and Ms. <br />Stark acknowledge that they will be in violation of the dangerous animal permits. <br />4. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB -COMMITTEES, AND COUNCIL <br />MEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />Vice Mayor Waldeck stated that in July there will be a bicycle run at Foothill College. <br />5. STAFF REPORTS <br />A. City Manager <br />B. City Attorney <br />C. City Clerk <br />D. Planning Director <br />No staff reports were presented. <br />6. COUNCIL INITIATED ITEMS <br />There were no Council initiated items. <br />7. ADJOURNMENT <br />The meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Deborah Padovan <br />City Clerk <br />4 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />June 11, 2012 <br />