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Logan Deeter, Los Altos Hills, stated that he plays baseball at Purissima Park and it <br />would "be cool to bike to Purissima." <br />Bailey Deeter, Los Altos Hills, told Council that having a bike path would make riding <br />to school much easier. <br />Robert Chao, Los Altos Hills, stated that he is a frequent user of Arastradero Road and <br />spoke about concerns relating to graffiti and the thought that most people won't use the <br />bike path as many bicyclists use the road. <br />Dru Anderson, Los Altos Hills, spoke in favor of the project. <br />Martha Bowden, Los Altos Hills, said she would like to applaud the Planning <br />Commission in their creative approach in suggesting that staff move the road to minimize <br />the height of the wall. <br />Edwina Cioffi, Los Altos Hills, stated that the people do appreciate the work that is <br />being done. <br />Ron Cioffi, Los Altos Hills, expressed concerns about the back up of cars on Page Mill <br />and Baleri Ranch Road. <br />Richard Steinberg, Los Altos Hills, stated that this project should be moved forward. <br />Mayor Larsen closed the PUBLIC HEARING. <br />Further Council discussion ensued. <br />Jim Inglis, Stanford, stated that the project has been a moving target and Stanford hasn't <br />prepared an updated budget. They do have additional work on Arastradero to complete <br />due to lane configuration. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Vice Mayor Waldeck, seconded <br />by Council Member Summit and passed unanimously to approve the INITIAL STUDY <br />AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE ARASTRADERO TRAIL <br />IMPROVEMENT PROJECT,• FILE # 269-11-MISC; Project includes the restoration of <br />existing pathways construction of new pathways and bike lane striping The project area <br />begins at the intersection of Arastradero Road and Purissima Road; continues along <br />Arastradero Road under the I-280 freeway to Page Mill Road; continues along Page Mill <br />Road to the intersection of Baleri Ranch Road/Arastradero Road; and ends at the Los <br />Altos Hills Town boundary on Arastradero Road west of Tracy Court. CEQA Review: <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration. <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />May 17, 2012 <br />