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H. Adoption (Second Reading) of Ordinance 538 Repealing Article 5 of Title III. <br />Chapter 3, of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code, Titled "Roadway Impact Fee <br />Fund." (Staff. R. Lee) <br />I. Resolution No. 20-12 Accepting Dedication of Right -of -Way; Lands of Zeev <br />26493 Weston Drive (Staff. R. Chiu) <br />J. Resolution No. 21-12 Awarding Contract to American Asphalt, Inc. to Construct <br />Asphalt Concrete Ramps along both Purissima and Robleda Roads (Staff. R. Chiu) <br />K. Notification of Planning Commission Approval: LANDS OF MORGAN; 13209 <br />West Sunset Drive; File #59-11-ZP-SD-GD; A request for a Site Development <br />Permit for a 3,885 square foot two story new residence with a 2,143 square foot <br />basement (maximum height 24'6"), a 999 square foot single story detached <br />secondary dwelling unit with a 999 square foot basement (maximum height 16'), <br />and the removal of one (1) 26.4" heritage oak tree located along the south side of <br />the driveway/backup area. CEQA review: Categorical Exemption per Section <br />15303 (a) (Staff -Nicole Horvitz). <br />L. Notification of Planning Commission Approval: LANDS OF SHARP AND <br />HARRIS, 26958 Dezahara Way; File #283-11-ZP-SD-GD; Appeal of a Site <br />Development approval of a 4,981 square foot two-story new residence with a <br />2,035 square foot basement (Maximum height 268") and a 592 square foot <br />swimming pool. CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption per Section 15303 <br />(a)&(e) (Staff -Brian Froelich). <br />4. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR Persons wishing to address the Council <br />on any subiect not on the agenda may do so now. Please complete a Speaker Card <br />located on the back table of the Council Chambers and submit it to the City Clerk. <br />Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per speaker. California law prohibits the <br />Council from acting on items that do not appear on the agenda. Under a Resolution <br />previously adopted by the Council, such items can be referred to staff for <br />appropriate action, which may include placement on the next available agenda. <br />Nancy Couperus, Los Altos Hills, reminded everyone of two events coming up: the SOD <br />Blitz on May 26 and the Silicon Valley Watershed Summit on September 22. <br />Bill Behn, Los Altos Hills, stated that he is an immediate neighbor of Mr. Scher and Ms. <br />Stark who hold two dangerous animals under Town dangerous animals permits despite 15 <br />months of permit violations. <br />Kathy Evans, Los Altos Hills, reminded everyone that the Town picnic is on June 3. <br />Council Recess 9:00 p.m. <br />Council Reconvened to Open Session at 9:10 p.m. <br />5 <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />May 17, 2012 <br />