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E. Approval of a Request for a Site Development Permit to Replace an Approximate 1,900 <br />Linear Foot Gravel Driveway with a Permeable Concrete Driveway; CEQA Review: <br />Categorical Exemption per Section 15302; LANDS OF GLASSMAN, 2000 Old Page Mill <br />Road; File #310-11-ZPSD. (Staff: D. Pedro) <br />F. Resolution Accepting the 2011 Corporation Yard Building Improvements Project <br />(Staff R. Chiu) <br />G. Amend Resolution 62-11, Establishing Standing Committees and Adopting General and <br />Specific Rules Pertaining Thereto to Require a Minimum Membership of Five Members <br />and to Revise the Definition of a Quorum (Staff: D. Padovan) <br />H. Resolution Urging Congress to Amend the Constitution to Abolish Corporate Personhood <br />(Staff. D. Padovan) <br />4. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />Persons wishing to address the Council on any subject not on the agenda may do so now. Please <br />complete a Speaker Card located on the back table of the Council Chambers and submit it to the <br />City Clerk. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per speaker. California law prohibits the <br />Council from acting on items that do not appear on the agenda. Under a Resolution previously <br />adopted by the Council, such items can be referred to stafffor appropriate action, which may <br />include placement on the next available agenda. <br />5. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. Consideration of Proposed Amendments to the Temporary Sign Policy; File # 232- <br />11-MISC; Proposed amendments include establishing the allowable number of signs <br />and/or banners per application and limiting the total number of signs and/or banners <br />displayed at any one location. CEQA Review: exemption per Section 15061 (b) (3) <br />(Staff. D. Pedro) — continued from January 19, 2012 <br />B. LANDS OF LOS ALTOS HILLS (APPLICANT- METRO PCS); 27400 Purissima <br />Road (Purissima Park); File #172 -11 -CUP; A request for a renewal of a Conditional <br />Use Permit for an existing wireless communications facility. CEQA Review: <br />Categorical Exemption per Section 15301 (a) (Staff. D. Pedro) <br />6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A. Town Goals 2012 — Personal and Public Safety for All Residents <br />1. Update on the Fremont Bike Path/Safe Routes to School (VERBS) <br />(Staff. R. Chiu) <br />2. Update on the Arastradero Path (Staff. R. Chiu) <br />3. Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition with a Focus on Share the Road (Council <br />Member Summit) <br />4. Ongoing CERT Programs (Mayor Larsen) <br />5. Buena Vista Intersection (Staff. R. Chiu) <br />6. Updating the Circulation and Scenic Roadways Element (Staff D. Pedro) <br />City Council Regular Meeting Agenda <br />February 16, 2012 <br />