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Council discussion ensued. <br />Duffy Price, Los Altos Hills, stated that she was in charge of receiving donations <br />for the "donor art wall" at Town Hall and that there is already a mechanism in place <br />to receive tax deductible donations. <br />DIRECTION: The motion was tabled pending a report back from the City <br />Attorney's office on the full implications of starting a separate 501(c)3 or other tax <br />donation option. <br />C. Discussion on the Twenty -Four Hour Surveillance Requirement for the Westwind <br />Community Barn (Mayor Waldeck) <br />Mayor Waldeck presented the item. <br />Community Development Director Debbie Pedro provided a report on history of <br />the 24-hour surveillance requirement. <br />Kathy Liccardo, Los Altos Hills, expressed her belief that 24-hour surveillance is <br />unnecessary. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Richard Sereni, Los Altos Hills, stated that the surveillance cameras would work <br />better than having someone sleep at the barn and not hear a horse in a stall. <br />Jim Abraham, Los Altos Hills, agreed that cameras could be a solution. <br />Katie Boissicat, Los Altos Hills, said that she owns two horses and agreed that the <br />24-hour surveillance was out dated, but as a horse owner, she is comforted to know <br />someone is there on site. <br />DIRECTION: Revise the provision in the municipal code to remove the 24 hour <br />surveillance at commercial stables and possibly substitute a physical presence with <br />electronic surveillance. <br />D. Discussion on the Future of the Railroad Ties on the Fremont Road Pathway <br />(Mayor Waldeck) <br />Mayor Waldeck introduced the topic. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Steve Reedy, Los Altos, stated that he has been pushed off a bicycle into the <br />railroad ties on Fremont Road near Gardner Bullis School. <br />2 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />November 5, 2013 <br />