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Paul Schutz, Community Health Awareness Council, explained how their <br />organization supports Los Altos Hills residents. <br />Vicki Oldberg, Los Altos Hills, strongly urged the Council to continue supporting <br />the local non -profits. She further stated that she is associated with the Community <br />Services Agency and outlined the services that are provided to the community. <br />Julie Rose, Los Altos Chamber of Commerce, said "we are your chamber of <br />commerce" and promotes both Los Altos and Los Altos Hills. <br />Maria Marroquin, Day Workers Center of Mountain View, said that many <br />residents of Los Altos Hills use the services of the Day Workers Center. <br />Pilar Furlong, American Red Cross, explained that the funding provided in the <br />grant program allows for funding of their core mission, which is disaster relief and <br />emergency preparedness. <br />Jim Abraham, Los Altos Hills, stated that he supports all of the charities that are <br />receiving money from the Town, but felt that there is something wrong with the <br />process. <br />Peter Evans, Los Altos Hills, said that the reason we have Town government is for <br />quality of life. These organizations are a factor in our quality of life and expressed <br />that it is an appropriate use of the money. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Vice Mavor Radford moved to continue <br />with the grant program as designed; all applicants shall identify specifically the <br />services that are provided to Los Altos Hills residents and, where possible, estimate <br />the actual numbers of residents who use the services and solicit for the current year <br />of aivin with the budget that was allocated ($60,000). The motion was seconded <br />by Councilmember Larsen. <br />AYES: Mayor Waldeck, Vice Mayor Radford, Councilmember Larsen <br />NOES: Councilmember Corrigan, Councilmember Harpootlian <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />MOTION CARRIED. <br />The Council now continued with Item 3. <br />3. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR Persons wishing to address the Council <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 15, 2013 <br />