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Council discussion ensued regarding the request by the Open Space Committee. <br />Councilmember Larsen strongly suggested that the Los Altos Hills County Fire <br />District supports the request as well. It would be subject to competitive bidding. <br />Eileen Gibbons, Chair of the Los Altos Hills Pathways Committee, stated that the <br />committee discussed the topic at their Pathways Committee meeting. The committee <br />will be writing a letter in support of stewardship for open spaces. <br />Nancy Couperus, Los Altos Hills, stated that over the course of three years, a group <br />of volunteers went to pull "teezel" in the gully. It was contained, but they didn't have <br />the manpower to continue. Acterra is a company that can leverage the community to <br />get their volunteers out there to stay on top of the weeds. <br />Further Council discussion ensued and it was suggested that no particular contractor <br />be specified and that the Fire District should be asked to split the cost. Perhaps a <br />five-year plan could be implemented so the weeds are eradicated and the cost may <br />lower over time. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Moved by Vice Mayor Radford to allocate <br />$50,000 to an unnamed vendor to pursue the best strategy to preserve all open space <br />in Town, including partnering with the Los Altos Hills County Fire District and <br />utilizing other strategies. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Harpootlian. <br />,, AYES: Waldeck, Radford, Corrigan, Harpoothan <br />NOES: Larsen <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Discussion Item No. 8: A one time request to add funding to retire the debt with <br />California Energy Commission Loan 03 -09 -ECD and Loan 024 -03 -ECB. <br />Council discussion ensued regarding the one-time paying down of debt. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Moved by Councilmember Corrigan to pay <br />off the two loans with the California Energy Commission. The motion was seconded <br />by Councilmember Larsen. <br />AYES: Radford, Corrigan, Harpootlian, Larsen <br />NOES: Waldeck <br />A <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />May 22, 2013 <br />