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Allen Epstein, Vice Chair of the Los Altos Hills Finance and Investment <br />Committee, commented on the structure of the committee. <br />Kjell Karlsson, Member of the Los Altos Hills Finance and Investment <br />Committee, commented on the composition of the committee. <br />DIRECTION: Defer the decision of the number of Councilmembers on the Finance <br />and Investment Committee until after the joint study session to discuss current and <br />future projects. <br />This item was removed from the agenda. <br />C. Discussion of Town Committees Regarding Residency and Terms <br />(Councilmember Corrigan) <br />Councilmember Corrigan requested that all members serving on a committee <br />update their status once a year; including address and phone number to ensure that <br />committee members are all still residents of the Town and qualified to serve. <br />Additionally, she requested that attendance be recorded at each meeting. She also <br />requested that the Town establish a running annual policy where every committee <br />member's contact information is updated and confirmed that he/she still lives in <br />Town and the attendance record is reviewed. <br />DIRECTION: The City Clerk shall alert all committee chairs to inform committee <br />members to update their information and affirm that they are still qualified to serve <br />on the committee. Additionally, the secretary of each committee shall produce <br />minutes that reflect absences that will be tallied throughout the course of the year. <br />4. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilmember Harpootlian, <br />seconded by Vice Mayor Radford and passed unanimously to approve the CONSENT <br />CALENDAR items 4.A through 4.I specifically: <br />A. Approval of Meeting Minutes: City Council Special Meeting - January 24, 2013 <br />B. Review of Disbursements: January 1, 2013 -January 31, 2013 $746,238.43 <br />C. Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with Willdan Financial Services for a <br />Comprehensive Rate and Fee Study and Overhead Cost Allocation (Staff. Y. <br />Rasulova) <br />4 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />February 28, 2013 <br />