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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion moved by Councilmember <br />Harpootlian seconded by Councilmember Larsen and passed unanimously to <br />approve CONSENT CALENDAR Item 3I Approving a Proclamation to <br />Commemorate Rotary International's Founding - February 23, 1905 - 108th <br />Anniversary. <br />4. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR - Persons wishing to address the Council <br />on any subiect not on the agenda may do so now. Please complete a Speaker Card <br />located on the back table of the Council Chambers and submit it to the Citv Clerk. <br />Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per speaker. California law prohibits the <br />Council from acting on items that do not appear on the agenda. Under a Resolution <br />previously adopted by the Council, such items can be referred to staff for <br />appropriate action, which may include placement on the next available agenda. <br />Jehan Godrej, Los Altos Hills, provided a PowerPoint Presentation and asked the <br />Council to consider building public tennis courts in Town. <br />Nancy Couperus, Los Altos Hills, spoke regarding the current threat to CEQA in the <br />state legislature. <br />Paul Jensen, Los Altos Hills, commented on the enforcement practices and <br />administration of the municipal code as it relates to setback standards. <br />Jim Abraham, Los Altos Hills, asked for clarification for public input on upcoming <br />agenda items. <br />Councilmember Harpootlian said he was honored to serve on the Council. <br />5. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. Conditional Use Permit Renewal and Modifications for an Existing/ Previously <br />Approved Wireless Communications Facility. LANDS OF CALIFORNIA <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (Applicant: Sprint Wireless); 2350 <br />Page Mill Road; File # 187 -12 -SD -CUP (Staff: D. Pedro) <br />Assistant Planner Nicole Horvitz presented the staff report. <br />Jason Osborne, Representative from Sprint, responded to questions from the <br />Council. <br />Mayor Waldeck opened the PUBLIC HEARING. <br />Seeing no one wishing to speak, Mayor Waldeck closed the PUBLIC HEARING. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Councilmember Corrigan, <br />r seconded by Councilmember Larsen and passed unanimously to approve the <br />Conditional Use Permit Renewal and Modifications for an Existing/ Previously <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />January 24, 2013 <br />