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Mitigated Negative Declaration (,Staff. S. Avila) <br />Ex Parte Contact Disclosures: Vice Mayor Corrigan disclosed that she was a <br />previous member of Fremont Hills Country Club and sold their membership about <br />two years ago, in the last couple of years she knows many of the members socially <br />and have had a few conversations about the lighting project, but nothing of <br />significance; specifically she did speak with Scott Donnie for about 10 minutes <br />while on a site visit; Councilmember Harpootlian spoke with Scott Donnie, Bart <br />Carey and Jack Caffey; Councilmember Larsen stated that he was a former <br />member of the club and thinks the club provides an excellent park and recreation <br />benefit to the community; he has several good friends that belong to the club and <br />has spoken with some of them recently; Councilmember Waldeck recused himself <br />as he lives within 500 feet of the club, he then stepped down from the dais; Mayor <br />Radford stated he was a former member of the club and has spoken with numerous <br />people including Bart Carey. <br />Consultant Planner Cynthia Richardson presented the staff report. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Scott Domnie, General Manager and Chief Operating Officer of Fremont Hills <br />Country Club, thanked Town staff and introduced members of his staff including <br />Bart Carey. <br />Bart Carey, Representative of the Fremont Hills Country Club, presented the <br />tennis court lighting project. <br />Further Council discussion ensued. <br />James Benya, with Benya Burnett Consultancy, stated that the lighting and the <br />controls can automatically adjust for sunset all year long. <br />Mayor Radford opened the Public Hearing. <br />Jack Caffey, Los Altos Hills, was not in favor of the lighting project. <br />Maria Caffey, Los Altos Hills, was not in favor of the lighting project. <br />Samuel Broydo, Los Altos Hills, asked why is it necessary to change zoning law <br />instead of granting a variance to the club. <br />City Attorney Mattas said that the general plan designation applicable to Fremont <br />Hills Country Club is unique to that facility and the zoning amendment only allows <br />potential lighted tennis courts in that general plan designation. If a request was <br />made elsewhere in Town, the property would have to amend the general plan <br />designation for the other property. <br />5 <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 21, 2014 <br />