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Michael Bateman, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Mack Radyn, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Kishore Kagolanu, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Jehan Godrei, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Ty Connor, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Andy Drexler, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Chris Vargas, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Mark Mihonovic, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Bob Kamangar, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Rich Beyer, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />A resident of Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Larry Russell, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the lighting project. <br />Jim Abraham, Los Altos Hills, stated his opposition to the lighting project. <br />Jitze Couperus, Los Altos Hills, explained his vote at the Planning Commission <br />meeting. <br />Mayor Radford closed the Public Hearing. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Councilmember Larsen asked if Planning Commissioner Couperus voted in favor <br />of the project. Commissioner Couperus stated that he was in favor of letting the <br />people speak. <br />Mayor Radford asked about variances and use permits. City Attorney Mattas <br />explained that the project before the council, a use variance would not be <br />appropriate. The project should be regulated through the general plan and zoning <br />code. Conditional Use Permits run with the land. Once a conditional use permit <br />has been granted, as long as the property owner complies with the permit, it is a <br />vested right and owner can continue to operate as long as the activity does not rise <br />to the level of a nuisance. He advised that if the Council wanted to have the <br />flexibility to reduce the hours of operation of the tennis courts, that it is better to put <br />it in the conditions right now and then have a determination later whether or not to <br />extend it. <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 21, 2014 <br />