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Kathy Evans, Los Altos Hills, said it is the perfect spot for a crosswalk as it <br />connects two trails. <br />Jim Abraham, Los Altos Hills, speaking as a resident and not a member of the <br />Planning Commission, said the horse ring has been there for at least 30 years and <br />there has not been any incident involving cars and horses in that area. He did not <br />believe it was necessary to start installing signs. <br />Peter Evans, Los Altos Hills, said that he has crossed the area on foot and there <br />needs to be a crosswalk. <br />Jolon Wagner, Los Altos Hills, explained that the sign is not a bright as it appears <br />in the photo. She said that Portola Valley and Woodside have similar signs in their <br />cities. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Mayor Radford moved to install the horse <br />crosswalk on Purissima Road near the riding arena as soon as reasonably feasible if <br />not immediately and paint the crosswalk The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor <br />Corrigan. <br />Motion Carried 4 to 0: <br />AYES: Mayor Radford, Vice Mayor CorriganCouncilmember Larsen <br />Councilmember Waldeck <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Harpootlian <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />5. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. Resolution of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills Requesting that the <br />Santa Clara County Tax Collector Collect Delinquent Sewer Charges the 2014- <br />2015 Sewer Service Charges and Contractual Assessment District Chargesg for <br />both the Palo Alto and Los Altos Sewer Basins (Staff.• R Chiu) <br />Director Chiu presented the staff report. <br />Mayor Radford opened the Public Hearing. <br />Allan Epstein, Los Altos Hills, questioned four properties that were on the list. <br />Special City Council Meeting Minutes <br />July 16, 2014 <br />