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Mayor Radford closed the Public Hearing. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Councilmember Larsen moved to approve <br />Resolution 41-14 requesting the Santa Clara County Tax Collector collect <br />delinquent sewer charges, the 2014-15 sewer service charges and contractual <br />assessment district charges for both the Palo Alto and Los Altos sewer basins as <br />corrected based on the information by the Public Works Director. The motion was <br />seconded by Vice Mayor Corrigan. <br />Motion Carried 4 to 0: <br />AYES: Mayor Radford, Vice Mayor Corrigan Councilmember Larsen <br />Councilmember Waldeck <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Hamootlian <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />At this point the City Council returned to consider Agenda item 2.B. <br />2.13. Appointment to the Environmental Initiatives Committee <br />City Clerk Padovan presented the staff report. <br />Jehan Godrej, Los Altos Hills, introduced himself to the City Council. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Mayor Radford moved to appoint Jehan Godrei <br />to the Environmental Initiatives Committee for a four year term The motion was <br />seconded by Councilmember Waldeck. <br />Motion Carried 4 to 0: <br />AYES: Mayor Radford, Vice Mayor CorriganCouncilmember Larsen <br />Councilmember Waldeck <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Harpootlian <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />6 <br />Special City Council Meeting Minutes <br />July 16, 2014 <br />