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4. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Consider Installation of Traffic Calming Measures for Fremont Road (,Staff R. <br />Chiu <br />Richard Chiu, Public Works Director, presented the report. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Jim Abraham, Los Altos Hills, said there is a lot of high speed traffic on Fremont <br />and radar should be used to slow drivers down. <br />Bill Balson, Los Altos Hills, said the problem with deer is not their mere presence <br />in the Town, it is the overpopulation of deer. <br />Jitze Couperus, Los Altos Hills, said that the increase in traffic is a side effect of <br />the 280 intersection problem as drivers are trying to bypass the traffic on the <br />freeway. <br />Kjell Karlsson, Los Altos Hills, said that adding deer crossing signs in Town will <br />not slow a car down. <br />r Eric Clow, Los Altos Hills, felt that there are already too many signs and said "we <br />shouldn't be putting up signs on a frivolous basis." <br />Further discussion ensued. <br />Councilmember Harpootlian moved to table the item. No action was taken. <br />Captain Binder stated they could provide directed enforcement along Fremont, but <br />it is not a long term solution as it has not been effective in changing people's <br />behavior. <br />B. Resolution Awarding Contract for Design and Permitting Services for Matadero <br />Creek Repair Proiect (Staff: R. Chiu) <br />Director Chiu presented the report. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Councilmember Larsen moved to annrove <br />Resolution 18-14 awarding a contract for design and permitting services for <br />Matadero Creek Repair project to ENGEO. The motion was seconded by <br />Councilmember Waldeck. <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />May 15, 2014 <br />