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. . 1 411 <br /> district asthe same existed at the time of the passage of said Resolution <br /> of Intention each of which subdivisions have been given a separate number <br /> upon saiddiagram, as contained in said report, be, and it is hereby, <br /> preliminarily approved and confirmed. <br /> 3. That the proposed assessments upon the Several subdivisions <br /> of land in said assessment district in proportion to the estimated <br /> benefits to be received by such subdivisions, respectively, from said <br /> acquisitions, and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained in <br /> said report., be, and they are hereby, preliminarily approved and con- <br /> firmed. <br /> 4. That the maps and descriptions of the acquisitions to be made, <br /> as contained in said report, be, and the same are hereby, preliminarily <br /> approved. <br /> 5. That said report shall stand as the Engineer ' s report for the <br /> purposes of all subsequent proceedings had purSuant to said Resolution <br /> of Intention. <br /> * * * * * <br /> I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy <br /> of a resolution duly passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Council <br /> of the Town of Los Altos Hills held on October 6, 1969, by the following <br /> roll call vote: <br /> AYES : Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, Helgesson, Mayor Aiken <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> ATTEST: <br /> A i A .„l, <br /> City Clerk <br /> APPROVED: <br /> Mayor <br /> - 2 - <br />