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411 411 <br /> 5. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent the <br /> unpaid assessments, and bear, interest at the rate of not to exceed <br /> seven percent (7%) per annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner <br /> provided in the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, Division 10 of the <br /> Streets and Highways Code, the last installment of which bonds shall <br /> mature not to exceed fourteen (14) years from the second day of July <br /> next succeeding ten (10) months from their date . <br /> 6 . Except as herein otherwise provided for the issuance of <br /> bonds, all of said improvements shall be done pursuant to the pro- <br /> visions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 . <br /> 7 . Reference is hereby made to proceedings had pursuant to <br /> Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code on file in the office <br /> of the City Clerk, <br /> 8. Said proposed acquisitions are hereby referred to the <br /> Engineer of Work, being a competent person employed by said Council <br /> for that purpose; and said Engineer is hereby directed to make and <br /> file with the City Clerk of said Town a report in writing, present- <br /> ing the followings <br /> (a ) Maps and descriptions of the acquisitions to be made . <br /> (b) Engineer's statement of the itemized and total esti- <br /> mated costs and expenses of said acquisitions and of the incidental <br /> expenses in connection therewith; <br /> (c) Diagram showing the assessment district above re- <br /> ferred to, and also the boundaries and dimensions of the respective <br /> subdivisions of land within said district as the same existed at the <br /> time of thepassage of this Resolution of Intention, each of which <br /> subdivisions shall be given a separate number upon said diagram; <br /> (d) A proposed assessment of the total amount of the <br /> costs and expenses of the proposed acquisitions upon the several <br /> subdivisions of land in said district in proportion to the estimated <br /> 2 <br />