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ABSTAIN: None <br />DIRECTION: Add the selection of Vice Mayor to the October City Council agenda. <br />1. Consideration of whether to further consider Application(s) that did not meet the <br />Oualifications or were Submitted Late <br />Mayor Corrigan said that as of 5:30 p.m. there were no valid late applications and this <br />item was not considered. <br />2. Interviews of Applicants for Appointment to the City Council <br />Mayor Corrigan outlined the process for discussion purposes. Numbers were selected by <br />the candidates to determine the order in which they would speak. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Candidate Roger Spreen provided an opening statement. <br />Candidate Fred Gallagher provided an opening statement. <br />Candidate Eric Clow provided an opening statement. <br />Candidate Peter Evans provided an opening statement. <br />Candidate Sunita Sethi provided an opening statement. <br />Candidate Steve Jordan provided an opening statement. <br />Candidate Garo Kiremidjian provided an opening statement. <br />The Council asked multiple questions of candidates in numerical sequence beginning with <br />candidate number 2. <br />City Attorney Steve Mattas arrived at 8:15 p.m. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />3. Discussion and Possible Action on an Appointment to Fill an Unexpired Council <br />Member Term; Resolution Appointing an Individual to Fill an Unexpired City <br />Council Member Term <br />Mayor Corrigan outlined the process that was agreed upon. One ballot was distributed <br />containing the names of all seven candidates and the Council was instructed to vote for up <br />to three. Once the vote was collected, the City Clerk would tally it and the three <br />2 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />September 24, 2015 <br />