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B. Status Report on the Page Mill Corridor Study by Dawn Cameron, Santa Clara <br />County Transportation Planner (Presentation Time 10 Minutes) <br />Dawn Cameron, County of Santa Clara, presented the Page Mill Expressway <br />Corridor Study Report. <br />Adam Dankberg with Kimley-Horn & Associates, provided information about <br />the proposed improvements for the corridor. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Kim Cranston, Los Altos Hills, spoke about research he has conducted on <br />roundabouts. <br />Samuel Broydo, Los Altos Hills, commented on the west side interchange; he said <br />he uses the intersection every day and it works like a clock. <br />John O'Connell, Los Altos Hills, expressed concerns about increasing capacity on <br />Page Mill Road. <br />Martha Bowden, Los Altos Hills, stated that in general, she likes the plan. <br />However, some of the details need to be refined and expressed concerns about the <br />r phasing. <br />Garo Kiremidjian, Los Altos Hills, stated that steps need to be taken to move the <br />current Park & Ride to an open space as it is totally inconsistent to have that lot in a <br />residential area. <br />Tom Turner, Los Altos Hills, spoke about the traffic congestion on Page Mill <br />Road and said that Stanford has caused the problem and are not providing any <br />assistance to correct the situation. <br />Les Earnest, Los Altos Hills, said he was pleased to see one of the goals of the <br />redesign included improving pedestrian and cycling safety, but he felt that the <br />design has gone off track. <br />Andrew Boone, East Palo Alto, said he was happy to see money allocated for <br />bicycle lanes, but expressed concerns about car traffic congestion. <br />Further Council discussion ensued. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Councilmember Larsen moved to work <br />with County Roads and Airportto establish a communication with CalTrans about <br />the park and ride lot situation; establish a discussion with Stanford to have them be <br />part of the solution; have County Roads proceed with preliminary preparation of the <br />2 <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 18, 2015 <br />