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Gina Jackman, Los Altos Hills, requested that their property be judged on its own <br />merits and exempted from any proposed moratorium. <br />Doug Rimer, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the moratorium. <br />Weegie Caughlin, Los Altos Hills, expressed her support for the moratorium for <br />the purpose of determining better applications to the LUF on a half -acre or less. <br />Scott Stotler, Los Altos, urged the Council to consider that one acre lots could <br />have a LUF of less than .5 due to extenuating circumstances, such as a steep slope. <br />Gregory Fretz, Unincorporated Santa Clara County, supported the moratorium <br />in order to take time to address maintaining the rules that keep Los Altos Hills <br />unique. <br />Erik Garfinkel, Los Altos Hills, owns the property on Fremont Road and is one of <br />the projects currently before the Planning Commission. He requested exemption <br />from the moratorium. <br />Lisa Ingham, Los Altos Hills, requested an exemption from the moratorium. <br />Sonya Welch, Los Altos Hills, spoke on behalf of the property owners of 25531 <br />Fremont, a project currently in progress, and reminded the Council of various legal <br />theories that should be considered. <br />Christina Lee, Los Altos Hills, supported the objectives of the moratorium, but a <br />general moratorium may be ignoring certain aspects of a particular project that <br />benefits the community. As an example, the house on Fremont Road should be <br />exempted. <br />Karen Kehlet, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the moratorium and the ad hoc <br />committee. <br />Aboolhassan Zoroufy, Los Altos Hills, requested that he be allowed time to finish <br />a remodel currently in progress. <br />Esther John, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of the moratorium. <br />David Kehlet, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of a moratorium. <br />Junaid Quarshi, Los Altos Hills, did not support a moratorium. <br />Malika Junaid, Los Altos Hills, did not support a moratorium. <br />Jay Sutaria, Los Altos Hills, said that a moratorium appears to be an extreme <br />response to a small number of specific, proposed projects. <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />June 3, 2015 <br />