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A. Request by the Art in Public Places Committee Requesting City Attorney <br />Assistance in Researching_ Acceptance of Stocks as a Donation <br />Councilmember Waldeck, as the Art in Public Places Committee liaison, <br />presented the topic <br />DIRECTION: There was Council consensus to authorize legal expenditure to <br />examine and return with legal guidance for a policy to accept donations of stock. <br />B. Request by the History Committee for Approval of Cupola Plaque and Wording <br />Maryann Malcolm, History Committee Member, presented the Committee's <br />request for the wording for the cupola plaque. <br />Jitze Couperus, History Committee Member, explained the background behind <br />the requested wording. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Mayor Corri!an moved to have a plaque <br />made, at an appropriate size on the cupola, at average height of eye sight between <br />5'2" and 5'8", or whenever deemed appropriate, at the base, or on a free stand, <br />whatever seems most logical; the plaque shall read: "Original Los Altos Hills Town <br />Hall Cupola" and include the exact dates that it stood on the building (date to and <br />from) and then below that, "Restored Through the Generous Donation of the Los <br />Altos Hills Historical Society." <br />Councilmember Radford requested an amendment to include the restoration date of <br />May 2015. The amendment was accepted. The motion and amendment was <br />seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Harpootlian. <br />Motion Carried 3 to 2: <br />AYES: Mayor Corrigan, Mayor Pro Tem Harpootlian, Councilmember <br />Radford <br />NOES: Councilmember Larsen, Councilmember Waldeck <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />C. Report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Private Roads <br />Councilmember Waldeck introduced the topic. <br />Director Chiu provided background information. <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />May 21, 2015 <br />