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110 <br /> specifications for the proposed improvements and the changes <br /> and modifications in the Engineer's report and in the boun- <br /> dary mapof said District, all as said changes are summarized <br /> in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorpo- <br /> rated herein, and as said changes more specifically appear on <br /> the amended Boundary Map and Amended Plans and Specifications <br /> and Engineer 's Report all on file in the office of the City <br /> Clerk, be and they are hereby finally adopted and approved. <br /> 3. That the Assessment Diagram finally approved by <br /> Resolution No. 491 of the City Council of the Town of Los <br /> Altos Hills, passed and adopted on November 18, 1968, be and <br /> the same is hereby amended and is hereby finally approved <br /> and confirmed as the diagram of the properties to be assessed <br /> to pay the costs and expenses, of said acquisitions and improve- <br /> ments . <br /> 4. That the assessment of the total amount of the costs <br /> and expenses of the proposed acquisitions and improvements <br /> upon the several subdivisions of land in said District in <br /> proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by said <br /> subdivisions respectively from said acquisitions and improve- <br /> ments and of the expenses incidental thereto contained in said <br /> report .be, and the same are hereby, finally approved and <br /> confirmed as the assessment to pay the costs and expenses <br /> of said acquistions and improvements . <br /> 5. That said Engineer 's Report, as amended, be, and <br /> the same is hereby finally;,adopted and approved as a whole. <br /> 6 . That the Clerk shall forthwith deliver to the Super- <br /> intendent of Streets the said amended assessment, together with <br /> said amended diagram thereto attached and made a part thereof <br /> as confirmed by this Council, with its certificate of such <br /> confirmation thereto attached and of the date thereof and <br /> LAGORIO Sc FAISANT <br /> ATTORNEYS AT LAW -2- <br /> 300 THIRD STREET <br /> LOS ALTOS, CALIF. <br /> 9'45-5200 <br />