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• <br /> 1110 410 <br /> that said Superintendent of Streets shall record said amended <br /> diagram and assessment in his office in a suitable book to be <br /> kept for that purpose and append thereto his certificate of <br /> the date of such recording, and such recordation shall be, <br /> and constitute the assessment roll herein. <br /> 6. That said Superintendent of Streets upon the recording <br /> of said amended diagram and assessment shall mail to each <br /> owner of real property newly included within the assessment <br /> district :.pursuant to the amendments and changes herein pro- <br /> vided, at his last known address as the same appears on the <br /> tax rolls of the Town or on file in the office of the City <br /> Clerk of said Town, or to both addresses if said address is <br /> not the same, or to the general delivery when no address so <br /> appears, a statement containing a designation by street number <br /> or other description of the property assessed sufficient to <br /> enable the owner to identify the same, the amount of the assess- <br /> ment, the time and place ofpayment thereof, the effect'. <br /> :of <br /> failure to pay within such time, and a statement::of the fact <br /> that bonds will be issued on the unpaid assessments pursuant <br /> to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, the last installment of <br /> which bonds shall mature not to exceed. fourteen (14) years <br /> from the second day of July next succeeding ten (10) months <br /> from their date. <br /> 7. That said Superintendent of Streets shall also give <br /> notice by publishing a copy of Notice to Pay Assessments by <br /> three (3) successive insertions in the Los Altos News, a <br /> newspaper published in Santa Clara County, there being no <br /> newspaper published in said Town, that said assessment has <br /> been recorded in his office and that all sums assessed thereon <br /> are due and payable immediately, and that the payment of said <br /> sums is to be made within thirty (30) days after the date of <br /> LAGORIO & FAISANT -3- <br /> ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br /> 300 THIRD STREET <br /> LOS ALTOS, CALIF. <br /> 948-8200 <br />