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r771 <br /> WHEREAS, the objectives in these studies were to main- <br /> tain the existing natural qualities of the Town and to mini- <br /> mize the problems that came from developing steep areas at <br /> too great a density, and - <br /> WHEREAS, it was found that the severity of problems <br /> increases as the steepness of slope increases, said problems <br /> including the removal of vegetation, the cutting and filling <br /> of land, the problem of sewage disposal, the increase in <br /> storm water runoff, the increase in erosion and downstream <br /> sedimentation, the increase in fire hazard, the increased <br /> probability of earth movement, and the upsetting of the <br /> ecological balance of the area, and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town has come to the conclusion that it is <br /> imperative to adjust the density of development to the steep- <br /> ness of slope in order to minimize the above-mentioned problems, <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, the following General Plan text amendment was <br /> duly referred to the Planning Commission of the Town of Los <br /> Altos. Hills, and after the holding of a noticed public hearing <br /> in the time, form and manner required by law, more than a <br /> majority of the total voting members of said Commission have <br /> recommended to the City Council the adoption of said amendments, <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, after giving notice in the time, fr rm and manner <br /> provided by law, this Council has held a public hearing at <br /> which all persons who appeared were heard and all evidence <br /> submitted was taken and considered, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills that the General Plan of said Town be <br /> and the same is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the <br /> ,LAGORIO & FAISANT -2 <br /> ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br /> 300 THIRD STREET <br /> LOS ALTOS, CALIF. <br /> 948-8200 <br />