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111 i <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 472 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN <br /> OF LOS ALTOS HILLS ESTABLISHING PAYMENT <br /> SCHEDULE FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CHARGE <br /> FOR THE PALO ALTO DRAINAGE BASIN <br /> WHEREAS, on the 6th day of May, 1968, the City Council of the Town of <br /> Los Altos Hills did adopt Ordinance No. 142 pertaining to sanitary sewer <br /> service in the Palo Alto Drainage Basin; and <br /> WHEREAS, said Ordinance establishes an annual service charge of $90. 00 <br /> for the privilege of maintaining each single residential connection to the <br /> sanitary sewerage facilities; and <br /> WHEREAS, said Ordinance calls for the establishment of a payment schedule <br /> for the annual service charge; and <br /> WHEREAS, it is deemed that the payment schedule fixed herein is necessary, <br /> proper and reasonable in connection with the indicated services; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of <br /> Los Altos Hills that the following payment schedule shall be established in <br /> connection with sanitary sewer service charges for the Palo Alto Drainage Basin: <br /> 1. Quarterly installments of $22.50 each shall be due in advance <br /> to the Town of Los Altos Hills on January 1, April 1, <br /> July 1 and October 1 of each year. <br /> 2. Initial payments at the time of connection shall be pro... <br /> rated on a monthly basis if the connection does not <br /> coincide with a regular quarterly payment. <br /> 3. A five per cent discount shall be allowed on all bills <br /> paid one year in advance. <br /> 4. A collection charge of fifty cents shall be levied for <br /> the collection of each delinquent account, and a five <br /> per cent penalty shall be added for each month or portion <br /> thereof that an account remains delinquent after the date <br /> the same is due. <br /> B1� <br />