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411 411 <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 458 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> REGARDING SEWER POLICY <br /> WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Council not to force sewers on areas <br /> not needing or desiring same, and <br /> WHEREAS, it is also the desire of this Council to allow those wanting <br /> sewers to have them providing others are not forced to participate,and <br /> WHEREAS, this Council recognizes that the County Health Department policy <br /> is to require sewers for new construction when sewers are available and <br /> feasible, and <br /> WHEREAS, it is desirable, but sometimes impossible, to draw District <br /> boundaries to exclude all those not needing or wanting sewers, <br /> NOW THEREFORE, the Council hereby resolves as follows: <br /> A. FORTHE ENTIRE TOWN: <br /> 1. It is the policy of this Town to restrict new districts only <br /> to those who want or need to be included wherever this is <br /> possible. <br /> 2. In the special case where a resident is not on a boundary and <br /> thus cannot legally be excluded, it is the policy of the <br /> Town to establish units of benefit so that such a resident <br /> will be assessed a lesser amount than those connecting. <br /> This lesser amount shall consist of two parts as follows: <br /> a. The amount required to reserve treatment rights in the <br /> treatment plant and facilities of either the City of <br /> Los Altos or the City of Palo Alto. <br /> b. An amount commensurate with the value of having a trunk <br /> or collector line nearby. If and when future connections <br /> are made, a fair value, not less than the difference <br /> between the amount paid by the original connectees and the <br /> amount paid by the later connectees, must be paid. <br /> B. FOR THAT PORTION OF THE TOWN IN THE PALO ALTO DRAINAGE BASIN: <br /> It is the policy of this Town to reduce the impact of the Palo <br /> Alto Contract by the adherence to the following policies: <br />