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1. That protests against the acquisitions and improve- <br /> ments described in the report were not signed by the owners <br /> of more than one-half (1/2) of the area of the property to <br /> be assessed for the acquisitions and improvements and that <br /> said protests be and each of them is hereby overrruled. <br /> 2. The City Council hereby finds and determines that <br /> the total cost including incidental expenses of the acquisi- <br /> tions °and improvements, when added to the totals of all <br /> assessments and estimated assessments as stated in such re- <br /> port, does not exceed in total amount one-half (1/2) of the <br /> total true values stated in the report of all of the lands <br /> to be assessed to pay any part of the costs of such acquisi- <br /> tion or improvement. <br /> 3. The City Council finds and determines that the <br /> estimated amount proposed to be assessed upon each parcel <br /> of land of the proposed acquisitions and improvements will <br /> not exceed one-half (1/2) of the true value of such parcel <br /> as set forth in the report. <br /> 4. The City Council finds and determines that the pub- <br /> lic interest, convenience and necessity require the acquisi- <br /> tions and improvements substantially as set forth in the <br /> report and that the project is feasible, and elects to pro- <br /> ceed under the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 except for <br /> the issuance of bonds which shall be issued pursuant to the <br /> provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. <br /> -2- <br /> LAGORICI & FAISANT <br /> ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br /> 300 THIRD STREET <br /> LOS ALTOS, CALIF. <br /> 948-8200 <br />