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• • <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED as follows : <br /> 1. That the plans and specifications for the proposed <br /> improvements to be made, contained in said report, be, and thy <br /> are hereby, preliminarily approved and confirmed. <br /> 2. That the Engineer ' s estimate of the itemized and <br /> total costs and expenses of said acquisitions and improve- <br /> ments and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, <br /> contained in said report, be, and each of them are hereby, <br /> preliminarily approved and confirmed. <br /> 3. That the diagram showing the assessment district <br /> referred to and described in said Resolution of Intention, <br /> as amended, and also the boundaries and dimensions of the <br /> respective subdivisions of land within said assessment district <br /> as the same existed at the time of the passage of said Resolu- <br /> tion of Intention, as amended, each of which subdivisions have <br /> been given a separate number upon said diagram, as contained <br /> in said report, be, and it is hereby, preliminarily approved <br /> and confirmed. <br /> 4. That the proposed assessments upon the several sub- <br /> divisions of land in said assessment district in proportion <br /> to the estimated benefits to be received by such subdivisions, <br /> respectively, from said acquisitions, and improvements, and of <br /> the incidental expenses thereof, as contained in said report, <br /> be, and they are hereby, preliminarily approved and confirmed. <br /> 5. That the maps and descriptions of the lands and ease- <br /> ments to be acquired, as contained in said report, be, and the <br /> same are hereby, preliminarily approved. <br /> 6 . That said report shall stand as the Engineer' s report <br /> for the purposes of all subsequent proceedings had pursuant to <br /> said Resolution of Intention, as amended. <br /> .LAGORID & FAISANT <br /> ATTORNEYS AT LAW -2- <br /> SOD THIRD STREET <br /> LOS ALTOS, CALIF. <br /> 949-8200 <br />