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1110, <br /> Resolution No. 42-07 <br /> A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING <br /> $1 Billion State Budget Allocation of <br /> Prop. 1B Funds to Cities in 2007-08 <br /> WHEREAS, the voters of California passed Proposition 1B ($19.9 billion <br /> transportation bond) in November 2006, and were promised $2 billion would be used to <br /> improve local streets, roads and other priority local transportation projects; and <br /> WHEREAS, California's cities are ready to go to begin work on local traffic <br /> safety repairs, congestion relief, fixing crumbling roads, improving mass transit and other <br /> local transportation improvement projects; and <br /> WHEREAS, according to a League of California Cities survey, cities have <br /> numerous local projects that can put the city share of the$1 billion in local street and <br /> road moneys to use right away for the benefit of citizens and businesses; and <br /> WHEREAS, cities need sufficient Prop. 1B funds allocated this year to begin <br /> work on local transportation projects that are ready to go. Early allocation of these funds <br /> will allow projects to get underway immediately and will prevent unnecessary delays; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, some Prop. 1B projects will take years or even decades to complete, <br /> many city transportation improvement projects are ready to get off the drawing board and <br /> into construction right away, demonstrating to voters that the state and local governments <br /> are making good on their promise to spend bond funds in a timely and responsible <br /> manner; and <br /> WHEREAS, local streets and roads are a critical component to a seamless <br /> transportation network, the mobility of California residents, the transport of goods and <br /> services, and the strength of our economy; and <br /> WHEREAS, cities will not receive any Prop. 42 (gasoline sales tax) funds for <br /> local streets and roads during the 2007-08 year and Prop. 1B funds will allow projects <br /> already underway to continue without interruption; and <br /> WHEREAS, an untimely or inadequate allocation of Prop. 1B funding this year <br /> would unnecessarily cause project delays of up to one year and limit the construction of <br /> many mid- and large-sized projects that are otherwise ready to go; <br />