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• Altos Hills Regarding the Los Altos Hills C-2 Trail Project (Staff: R. Chiu) <br />O. Resolution No. 68-11 Awarding Contract for the Moody Road Trail to <br />Chaparral Connection Project (Staff. R. Chiu) <br />P. Resolution No. 69-11 Accepting Grant of Conservation; Lands of Smith, Closs, <br />Oramas, and Howes; 10300 W. Loyola Drive (Staff: D. Pedro) <br />Q. Resolution 70-11 Approve Amendments to the Town's Personnel Rules and <br />Regulations and Employee Classification and Compensation Plan (Staff: N. <br />Pegueros) <br />4. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR Persons wishing to address the Council <br />on any subiect not on the agenda may do so now. Please complete a Speaker Card <br />located on the back table of the Council Chambers and submit it to the City Clerk. <br />Comments are limited to two (2) minutes per speaker. California law prohibits the <br />Council from acting on items that do not appear on the agenda. Under a Resolution <br />previously adopted by the Council, such items can be referred to staff for <br />appropriate action, which may include placement on the next available agenda. <br />Nancy Couperus, Los Altos Hills, on behalf of the Open Space Committee, stated that <br />they held a mountain lion forum at the end of October. For individuals who were unable <br />• to attend the forum, the video is on the Town's website. She also attended the annual <br />Creek Conference put together by the Santa Clara County Creeks Coalition and <br />distributed information to the Council. <br />Dean Warshawsky, Los Altos Hills, expressed thanks to Mayor Summit for her service <br />to the community and conveyed his best wishes to Mayor Pro Tem Larsen. <br />Jim Healy, Los Altos Hills, spoke about a new subdivision in process on Samuel Lane. <br />He expressed his concerns about the safety and placement of the road. <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A. Town Goals 2011 - Personal and Public Safety for All Residents - Verbal Status <br />Report <br />Mayor Summit reviewed the Town Goals submitted last January and the current <br />status of those goals. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Formation of an Ad Hoc Committee on Fire Services to Study pportunities to <br />Ensure Local Control Over Fire Services Provided to Town Residents (Staff C. <br />. Cahill <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />December 7, 2011 <br />