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Vie! <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills January 14, 1998 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW RESIDENCE AND POOL; <br /> LANDS OF GODINHO; 12250 MENALTO DRIVE; File#115-97-ZP-SD-GD <br /> APPROVED BY: Curtis S. Williams,Planning Due or <br /> RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission EITHER: <br /> 1. Approve the requested Site Development Permit, subject to the attached conditions <br /> of approval, with revisions to minimize the cut for the front terrace and to reduce <br /> lighting; OR <br /> 2. Approve the requested Site Development Permit as above, but also direct the <br /> applicant to revise the plans to delete the basement below the garage to further <br /> minimize cut. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> The subject property for the proposed new residence is a flag lot located at the terminus of <br /> Menalto Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 182-26-015, Lot 3 of Tract 3477, established in <br /> 1963). A 10-foot wide public utilities easement exists along the interface of the cul-de-sac. <br /> The site is currently vacant. Surrounding lots are developed with single family residences. <br /> On September 10, 1997, the Planning Commission reviewed a proposed new residence for <br /> this site, and directed the applicant to revise the plans to 1) move the house further down <br /> the hill to reduce its visibility; 2) further lower the building pad or better step the structure <br /> to lower the overall height and view impact on the uphill neighbor; 3) revise the driveway <br /> and terrace design to meet the Town's basement definition or to count the area below the <br /> terrace as floor area; 4) clarify separation of the garage from the basement to meet the <br /> Town's basement definition; and 5) provide a minimum two-car garage. The minutes of <br /> the September 10th meeting are attached. <br /> CODE REQUIREMENTS <br /> According to Section 10-2.301 of the Site Development Code, all new residences are to be <br /> reviewed by the Planning Commission. Generally, the sections of the Zoning and Site <br /> Development Codes utilized to evaluate new homes include floor and development area <br /> limitations, grading,height, setbacks,visibility, and parking requirements. <br />