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Lands of Godinho: January 14, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> Net Lot Area: 1.17 acres <br /> Avg. Slope: 15.8% <br /> L.U.F. 1.016 <br /> Floor Area and Development Area: <br /> Maximum Proposed Existing Increase Remaining <br /> Development Area 13,030 12,782 0 12,782 248 <br /> Floor Area 5,801 5,800 0 5,800 1 <br /> Revisions <br /> The applicant has made the following substantive revisions to respond to the Commission's <br /> direction: 1) the house has been moved approximately 25 feet down the hill and slightly to <br /> the west, lowering the overall pad and height of the house by about 3 feet; 2) the garage <br /> has been shifted to the west side of the house and is no longer at the basement elevation <br /> (though there is a basement below the garage); 3) the garage is now a two-car garage,with <br /> two additional spaces provided along with adequate turnaround in front of the house; 4) <br /> the basement is now completely below grade, as the garage is no longer at the same level as <br /> the basement and the front terrace is cut into grade, with no basement or garage space <br /> below; and 5) decking around the pool and a walkway from the pool to the house have <br /> been added. <br /> The effect of the changes is outlined in the applicant's spreadsheet(attached) reflecting roof <br /> heights of the original proposal compared to those on the revised plans. The column titled <br /> "difference in roof elevation" shows an overall reduction of 3.25 to 5.75 feet in the peak <br /> roof elevations of the proposed structure. Of particular importance, the elevation of the <br /> roof over the master bedroom wing (primary view corridor) would be 3.75 feet lower and <br /> 25 feet farther down the hill from the uphill neighbor's view than the initial proposal. The <br /> revisions have eliminated the issues about the basement being exposed on the south side <br /> and the driveway and garage concerns regarding floor area below the front terraces. Floor <br /> area has not altered from the previous plans, as the additional garage space has been <br /> accommodated by shrinking both the first and second floors slightly. There has been an <br /> increase in development area due to the pool decking, patios and walkways being shown, <br /> although there remains 248 square feet available for further potential development. <br /> Site and Architecture <br /> The applicant requests approval of a Site Development Permit for a new 5,359 square foot <br /> two-story residence, with an attached 441 square foot two car garage. A 4,382 square foot <br /> basement is proposed, meeting the Town's definition of a basement and is thus not included <br /> in the floor area calculations. Two patios are proposed off of the north and northwest sides <br /> of the house,two terraces are proposed at the front of the house, and these in addition to the <br /> pool constitute the outdoor living space proposed. Staff has included a condition of <br /> approval (#7) requiring that a disclosure statement be filed with the property stating that the <br /> floor area approved with this application is at the maximum allowable for the lot. <br /> The second story (1,330 square feet) covers 30 percent of the first floor. The maximum <br /> height of the house on a vertical plane would be 26 feet above the finished grade, although <br />