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'3. 3 <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills January 14, 1998 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR NEW RESIDENCE, SECOND UNIT, <br /> POOL HOUSE AND POOL, AND A MODIFICATION TO THE TENTATIVE <br /> MAP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (Tract 7187); LANDS OF RUTNER; <br /> 28500 MATADERO CREEK LANE; File#151-97-ZP-SD-GD-AMEND. <br /> FROM: Susan Manca,Planner Syn. <br /> APPROVED BY: Curtis S. Williams,Planning Direct <br /> RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission EITHER: <br /> 1. Recommend approval of the requested Site Development Permit and the <br /> modification to the subdivision conditions of approval, subject to the attached <br /> conditions of approval; OR <br /> 2. Direct the applicant to redesign the house to reduce the height of the cut proposed <br /> adjacent to the garage and follow more closely with the natural slope, returning to <br /> the Planning Commission for further review. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> The subject property is located on the northwest side of the Matadero Creek Lane and <br /> Matadero Creek Court intersection. The parcel was created with a 20 lot subdivision <br /> (Tract 7187) that was recorded in 1981. The property is currently vacant. There is an <br /> open space easement along the east portion of the lot, a conservation easement located in <br /> the southwest corner, and a landscape easement to .the south of the conservation <br /> easement. <br /> The Matadero Creek Subdivision included many conditions of approval which limited <br /> development below that allowed by the Municipal Code. The MDA was calculated <br /> specifically for each lot based on the amount of area which was free of easements. In <br /> addition, a maximum building coverage and a maximum elevation of the building were <br /> set for each lot. Unlike other subdivisions in the Town, the Matadero Creek Subdivision <br /> required that the buildings be sited in the building site circle as shown on the Tentative <br /> Map. Amendments to the conditions in later years allowed for additional development <br /> area on specific lots. <br /> In 1996 the City Council approved the owner's application to modify the conditions of <br /> approval of the Matadero Creek subdivision to relocate the access of the property from <br /> the south side of the lot to the east side, as is shown on the plans. At that time, only the <br /> location of the access was reviewed. <br />