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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
January 14, 1998
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/7/2016 12:02:31 PM
Creation date
12/7/2016 12:02:27 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Site Development Permit for a New Residence, Second Unit, Pool House and Pool, and a Modification to the Tentative Map Conditions of Approval (Tract 7187); Lands of Rutner; 28500 Matadero Creek Lane; File #151-97-ZP-SD-GD-AMEND
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Planning Commission <br /> January 14, 1998 <br /> Lands of Rutner <br /> Page 4 <br /> the garage space, with an additional area to be constructed of grasscells, which would be <br /> counted at 10 percent of the coverage toward the MDA (see worksheet#2). <br /> Grading <br /> The plans indicate that the proposed project would include 3,450 cubic yards of cut and <br /> 335 cubic yards of fill. The cut and fill heights, as well as the combined total heights, are <br /> generally consistent with the Town's guidelines for grading limitations for the proposed <br /> development on the property except in the nanny unit next to the garage. Specifically, the <br /> finished floor at the southeast corner of the residence is proposed to be 10 feet below <br /> natural grade, whereas the grading policy limits cut for the main residence to 8 feet <br /> maximum. The applicant has indicated that the reason that the development has been cut <br /> further into the hillside than the guidelines suggest is to obtain a low elevation to <br /> maintain views from across Page Mill Road. <br /> The majority of the house is at the same finished floor elevation of 520 feet. The Town <br /> advised the applicant to raise the northeast section of the house to better follow the <br /> natural contours of the lot. The applicant indicated that the front had been designed at the <br /> same level to allow adequate drainage around the north side of the residence and to lower <br /> the house to minimize view impact, which was a primary concern of the Architectural <br /> Committee. The southwest portion of the residence has been stepped down 2 feet to <br /> follow the contours and to meet the grading policy, with a maximum fill of 3 feet. <br /> Basement <br /> The applicant has included a 1,883 square foot basement with the residence which would <br /> not count towards the floor or development area. The basement is designed to be under <br /> natural grade except at the west side, where it is up to 21/2 feet above natural grade. The <br /> applicant proposes to backfill along this section to ensure that no portion of the basement <br /> wall would be exposed. <br /> The exterior stairwell from the basement appears to be larger than the minimum building <br /> code requirements, therefore staff has included a condition that the plans be revised to <br /> reduce the size of the landing at the exit of the basement(see condition#1). <br /> Trees <br /> The driveway is to be located in the vicinity of a 12 inch oak tree. The driveway at this <br /> area is on grade, therefore the tree would not be disturbed during construction. Condition <br /> #6 requires that the dripline of the oak tree be fenced prior to construction to insure that <br /> the tree will not be negatively impacted. <br /> Modification of the conditions of approval <br /> The applicant is requesting a modification to the conditions of the tentative map for the <br /> subdivision, specifically requesting an increase in the allowable development area for the <br /> lot. The conditions currently limit the development area to 9,340 square feet, although <br /> the development area per the Town's ordinances would be 47,345 square feet. The <br /> difference in the MDA numbers is due to the area of the lot (about 3.1 acres) which is in <br /> open space and conservation easements, which was deducted from the Matadero Creek <br /> calculation. The applicant requests 3,643 square feet more area than is allowed per the <br /> conditions. The architectural review board for Matadero Creek has reviewed the plans <br />
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