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• 3• `/ <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS January 14, 1998 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW RESIDENCE AND POOL AND <br /> VARIANCE TO ALLOW GRADING OVER A PROPERTY LINE; LANDS OF <br /> WYTHE &VITU; 13826 MOON LANE (PARCEL 2); FILE#46-96-ZP-SD-GD. <br /> r-, <br /> FROM: Suzanne Davis, Planner <br /> APPROVED BY: Curtis S. Williams, Planning Dire <br /> RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: <br /> 1. Make the findings as required by section 10-1.1107(2) of the Zoning Ordinance <br /> for the granting of a variance and approve the site development permit for the new <br /> residence and pool, subject to the recommended conditions; OR <br /> 2. Make the findings as required by section 10-1.1107(2) of the Zoning Ordinance <br /> for the granting of a variance and direct the applicants to make design changes to <br /> the house and/or pool area, working with staff to achieve the requested plan <br /> revisions, subject to the recommended conditions, modifying condition #1 <br /> accordingly; OR <br /> 3. Continue the application to February 11, 1998 and direct the applicants to <br /> redesign the residence to eliminate or reduce the basement and/or upper floor <br /> level and bring the project as close as possible to the Town's Grading Policy. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> The Planning Commission considered plans for new residences for parcel 2 (subject <br /> property) and parcel 3 (adjacent lot) on April 23, 1997. After discussion and public input, <br /> the Commission continued the applications for redesign. The Commission then <br /> continued the applications from April 30 to May 14, 1997, since there had not been <br /> enough time to review new plans prior to the meeting. On May 14, following discussion <br /> and further testimony from neighbors, the Commission voted 4-0 to deny the site <br /> development permit. The Commission stated concerns about the size and height of the <br /> proposed homes, the lack of stepping elements down the hill, exterior materials, volume <br /> of grading and the height and number of retaining walls. Attachments 6 and 7 are the <br /> minutes from the Planning Commission meetings where discussion took place. <br /> The Commission's decision was appealed by Mayor Casey. The City Council considered <br /> the applications on June 4, 1997, and directed the applicants to redesign. There was not a <br /> consensus on particular changes that should occur, although the Council did state that the <br /> homes should better fit the sites (see Council minutes, Attachment 5). Some Council <br /> members suggested that as part of this project, Moon Lane should be widened from Page <br /> Mill Road to the joint driveway that will provide access to the sites. <br /> The subject property was created as part of a three lot subdivision (Lands of Vucinich - <br /> Parcel Map 679-M-41-44) that was approved by the City Council on December 7, 1994. <br /> The final map was recorded in July 1996. The property is located on the north side of <br /> Moon Lane, a private road off the east side of Page Mill Road. This lot and the adjacent <br /> lot to the east are vacant. All other surrounding properties are developed with single <br /> family homes. The subdivision was purchased by the applicants,who have completed the <br />