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+ 3w S <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS January 14, 1998 <br /> Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br /> RE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A NEW RESIDENCE AND POOL AND <br /> VARIANCE TO ALLOW GRADING OVER A PROPERTY LINE; LANDS OF <br /> WYTHE &VITU; 13824 MOON LANE(PARCEL 3); FILE#47-96-ZP-SD-GD. <br /> FROM: Suzanne Davis, Planner SD <br /> APPROVED BY: Curtis S. Williams,Planning Director <br /> RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: <br /> 1. Make the findings as required by section 10-1.1107(2) of the Zoning Ordinance <br /> for the granting of a variance and approve the site development permit for the new <br /> residence and pool, subject to the recommended conditions; OR <br /> 2. Make the findings as required by section 10-1.1107(2) of the Zoning Ordinance <br /> for the granting of a variance and direct the applicants to make design changes to <br /> the house and/or pool area, working with staff to achieve the requested plan <br /> revisions, subject to the recommended conditions, modifying condition #1 <br /> accordingly; OR <br /> 3. Continue the application to February 11, 1998 and direct the applicants to <br /> redesign the residence to eliminate or reduce the basement, eliminate the pool <br /> and/or reduce the floor area to bring the project as close as possible to the Town's <br /> Grading Policy. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> This proposal for a new residence and pool is the companion application to a proposed <br /> residence for the adjacent lot to the west. A complete background is contained in the <br /> staff report for parcel 2 at 13826 Moon Lane. The minutes from the two Planning <br /> Commission meetings and one Council meeting where discussion on the project took <br /> place are attached to the report for parcel 2. <br /> Several development restrictions were placed on parcel 3 as conditions of the subdivision <br /> that created the lot. The new residence may not exceed the 370 foot contour line in <br /> elevation. The condition also states that development shall be designed to minimize <br /> disturbance to the natural topography, and that the houses shall be stepped down or set <br /> into the sites. Due to steep topography and a conservation easement over a drainage <br /> course, the maximum floor and development areas may not be able to be achieved. The <br /> subdivision also required a single access to parcels 2 and 3 from Moon Lane. <br /> Two letters have been received from neighbors, and are attachments 8 and 9 to the staff <br /> report for parcel 2. Neighborhood concerns are the same as those indicated for parcel 2: <br /> the size and height of the houses, compatibility with existing homes on Moon Lane, <br /> grading volumes, retaining walls, and whether the sites can accommodate the proposed <br /> amount of development. <br />