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Planning Commission <br /> January 14,1997 <br /> Lands of Wythe&Vitu(Parcel 3) <br /> Page 4 <br /> Lighting <br /> Proposed exterior lighting locations have been shown on the floor plans. Lighting has <br /> been limited to one fixture per exit. Staff will review the lighting specifications prior to <br /> acceptance of plans for building plan check (condition #8). Landscape lighting will be <br /> reviewed with the landscape plan. No skylights are proposed, but if the applicants decide <br /> to add any, no lights would be allowed within the skylight wells, and the glass would not <br /> be allowed to be clear in order to reduce emitted light. <br /> Grading&Drainage <br /> The Engineering Department has reviewed the preliminary grading and drainage plan, <br /> and has recommended conditions of approval included in Attachment 1. Proposed <br /> grading is 2,910 cubic yards of cut and 25 cubic yards of fill. Most of the grading is <br /> being done to set the house into the hillside and for excavation of the basement. <br /> Recontouring behind the house is being done for geotechnical stability of the slope <br /> above. Grading for the driveway would cross the common property line between parcels <br /> 2 and 3. This is not considered a variance since it is necessary to construct a required <br /> shared driveway. Proposed grading across the property line behind the proposed <br /> residences on parcels 2 and 3 does require a variance. <br /> There are some areas where the proposed residence and pool do not meet the Town's <br /> grading policy. These areas are as follows (grading policy maximum is in parenthesis): <br /> • The main level finished floor is five feet above the natural grade (three feet) <br /> • House cut is up to 111/2 feet(20' feet for basement) (eight feet excluding basement) <br /> • Cut for the patio behind the house is up to 13 feet(four feet) <br /> • Cut for the garage is up to 15 feet(eight feet) <br /> • Retaining walls behind the house up to 12 feet(three to four feet) <br /> The site is very steep and it is unlikely that the grading policy can be absolutely met. As <br /> discussed in the report for parcel 2, staff is concerned that the total amount and extent of <br /> excavation is substantial, particularly where cuts of up to 201/2 feet are proposed for the <br /> basement. Raising the house while minimizing the cut would make the house more <br /> visible from off the site. Eliminating the basement or reducing it substantially would <br /> lessen the grading and the amount of material to be exported from the site. If the pool <br /> were eliminated the length of the retaining wall along the east side of the house would be <br /> reduced and grading would be reduced. <br /> More strict compliance with the grading policy would require more substantive changes, <br /> such as increasing the garage elevation to 335.0 and deleting the floor area above it, or <br /> lowering or pulling the front of the house back to the 330 foot contour to reduce the main <br /> level. If the Commission desires such extensive modifications, staff suggests language <br /> similar to that provided in recommendation#3. <br /> Drainage is shown to be partially piped and partially sheet flow, with water being <br /> directed around the house, down the slope towards the swale that runs through the <br /> property below Moon Lane. Water from the upper slope and the back of the house would <br /> be collected by a series of catch basins, with a pipe daylighting on the lower slope below <br /> the house. An energy dissipater at the pipe outlet would slow the water and help prevent <br /> erosion. The swale has been engineered to handle the drainage from the proposed <br /> project. A final site grading and drainage plan will be reviewed and approved by the <br /> Engineering Department, prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. The final <br />