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Planning Commission <br /> January 14,1997 <br /> Lands of Wythe&Vita(Parcel S) <br /> Page 5 <br /> drainage and grading will be inspected by the Engineering Department, and any <br /> deficiencies will be required to be corrected prior to final inspection. The property will <br /> be connected to the public sanitary sewer prior to final inspection. <br /> Variance <br /> To grant a variance the Planning Commission must make four findings, as required by <br /> Section 10-1.1107(2) of the Zoning Ordinance. The most important of these findings <br /> requires specification of unusual or unique characteristics of the property that support <br /> exceptions to the provisions of the Code. In this case, the grading and re-contouring that <br /> is proposed to set the two houses into the hillside would create a hump between the two <br /> lots if the grading were not carried through between the two properties. The slope would <br /> look more natural if the grading is allowed. None of the neighbors should be adversely <br /> impacted since the grading would be done between the two home sites, and would not be <br /> close to any neighboring homes. Attachment 2 outlines the recommended findings for <br /> the proposed variances. If the Commission cannot make one or more of the findings, the <br /> variance should be denied. <br /> Geotechnical Review <br /> The Town geotechnical consultant, Cotton, Shires & Associates, has reviewed the revised <br /> plans and geotechnical report (see Attachment 3). Condition #12 includes the <br /> recommendations of the Town Geologist. <br /> Fire Department Review <br /> The Santa Clara County Fire Department requested that an on-site hydrant or a residential <br /> fire sprinkler system be provided since portions of the house would be greater than 150 <br /> feet from the existing hydrant. The Fire Department also requested that the property <br /> address be placed in a location that is clearly visible from the street and that the driveway <br /> meet minimum standards for fire access (see Attachment 3 to the staff report for parcel <br /> 2). The Fire Department recommendations have been included with the conditions of <br /> approval. <br /> Committee Review <br /> The Pathways Committee has no request for the property. Pathway improvements were <br /> part of the subdivision, and a pathway fee is not required. The Environmental Design & <br /> Protection Committee comments were discussed previously in this report. <br /> Staff is available to answer any questions that the Commission or the public may have. <br />