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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
January 14, 1998
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Last modified
12/7/2016 12:54:09 PM
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12/7/2016 12:54:07 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Deceember 10,1997 Draft Regular Meeting Minutes
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> December 10, 1997 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Bert Loughmiller, 801 Church Street, Mountain View, applicant, discussed the changes to the <br /> plan which included the following: pushing the house back two feet further from the ridge; <br /> proposed back filling to lower the exposed height of driveway retaining walls; moving the house <br /> down the slope and backfilling which have allowed the wall heights to be reduced by up to two <br /> feet; and the relocation of the fourth parking space. He was surprised with the information <br /> regarding the fourth parking space and the need for a variance to allow the required space within <br /> the setback. <br /> Fred Herring, 1741 Broadway, Redwood City, project architect, discussed the change to the <br /> fourth parking space,the varying heights of the retaining walls, and the roofmg materials. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commissioner Cheng supported the design with a change to the fourth parking space out of the <br /> setback. Commissioner Schreiner was pleased with the changes made from the previous <br /> meeting. She agreed with the Planning Director's suggestion to approve the application with the <br /> required fourth parking space in its previous location (in front). Chairman Gottlieb would like <br /> the roofing material to include a patina, and the porch material to be something other than copper <br /> so the house would be less obtrusive from above. The Planning Director discussed the very tight <br /> parking backup issue. He recognized, due to this difficult site (40% slope), this was not a typical <br /> parking backup area. He further explained that the Commission is trying to minimize <br /> development area, minimize the grading for the retaining walls, which tightens up the backup <br /> space. Also, because of the location, it is not conflicting any parking movements back down the <br /> driveway. There is not a safety issue. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED: Motion by Commissioner Schreiner and seconded by <br /> Commissioner Jinkerson to recommend approval .to the City Council for a Site Development <br /> Permit for a new residence, a lot merger, variances to allow grading within 10 feet of a property <br /> line and to exceed the allowable development area, and a request for annexation, Lands of <br /> Loughmiller, with the following changes/additions to the conditions of approval: add to <br /> condition#1 that the applicant shall revise the plans to relocate the fourth parking space closer to <br /> the house and out of the setbacks; add to condition #6 that the copper roofing shall include a <br /> patina to enhance a weathered appearance, and that the roof material for the flat overhang on the <br /> ridge side of the house shall not be copper. <br /> AYES: Chairman Gottlieb, Commissioners Cheng, Jinkerson& Schreiner <br /> NOES: None . <br /> This item will be scheduled for the January 7th City Council public hearing agenda. <br /> 3. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR-None <br />
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