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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> December 10, 1997 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7:00 P.M. <br /> 4.1 LANDS OF WHEATLEY, 26644 Purissima Road (203-97-ZP-SD); A request for <br /> a Site Development Permit for a new residence. <br /> The Planning Director introduced this item noting the receipt of a letter of support from Mr. and <br /> Mrs. Sandman, a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Seidel voicing two general concerns (excessive <br /> illumination, and the requested dedication of a 30 foot wide half-width public right of way along <br /> Purissima Road), and a letter from the applicants. He discussed the Lands of Kash dedicated <br /> easements on Burke Road. The assistant engineer discussed the required easements and the <br /> natural swale on this property. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Robert Wheatley, 26644 Purissima Road, applicant, discussed the swale and the history of the <br /> property. He is looking forward to this project which will move the house and the garage out of <br /> setbacks and farther away from the street. Some compromises where made with staff. The <br /> design has a single story appearance with the upper bedrooms tucked in. They are well under the <br /> maximum development area numbers. He further discussed the following: condition #21; the <br /> improbable street widening; conditions #19 and #20; the requirement to dedicate a 40 foot wide <br /> conservation easement centered over the drainage swale in the rear of the property; and an <br /> irrevocable offer to grant a 40 foot wide storm drain easement over the drainage swale in the rear <br /> of the property. The swale through the property is dry for seven months of the year with a trickle <br /> of water about a foot wide running through it, as it does currently, for the remainder of the year, <br /> with few exceptions. Staff has proposed a much wider easement area which seems unnecessary <br /> to the expressed needs of the Town and very restrictive to the owners. He stated properties in the <br /> area had managed nicely for 50 years without any easement, asking for a smaller requirement of <br /> ten feet to each side from the center line of the swale with a restriction on planting therein to <br /> native species and to allow a small plank bridge over the swale that can be used to get over the <br /> swale when it is muddy or wet. He asked the Commission not to take more than what is <br /> absolutely necessary just because the Town wields the power to do so. He has no problem with <br /> the request for native plantings within the easement. He does not want development numbers <br /> reduced due to the conservation easement. He felt the proposed design is no more prominent <br /> than the current house. Staff provided a choice of either two recommendations. Mr. Wheatley <br /> asked that#1 be approved as he prefers the area on one level for ease. He also requested only a <br /> 20 foot easement, if the Planning Commission found one necessary. When asked about lowering <br /> the entire house, Mr. Wheatley explained they were trying to keep the drainage away from the <br /> house. Also, it would make the house appear to be in a hole. No one would benefit from <br /> lowering the house. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />