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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
January 14, 1998
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/7/2016 12:54:09 PM
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12/7/2016 12:54:07 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Deceember 10,1997 Draft Regular Meeting Minutes
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> December 10, 1997 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Tom Puorro, 26296 Fremont.Road, would like to see the land developed, however, he was <br /> concerned with the development of the natural swale. Safety wise, it was not appropriate to put <br /> the to the swale. Also, the clumping of redwood trees would need to be removed <br /> with the existing driveway design. He requested the driveway be placed on the east side of the <br /> property. <br /> Fred Osterlund, 26238 Fremont Road, has reviewed the plans and referenced his letter of <br /> November 13, 1997. He felt a straight driveway along a flood control channel was not the best <br /> solution. He was concerned with the safety of children and vehicles. A straight driveway along <br /> a swollen creek could be too inviting for adventurous youth. Regarding vehicular traffic, a <br /> straight design on the driveway will increase the speed associated with it. If the major portion of <br /> the subdivision drive must skirt the creek as proposed, then the entrance/exit should be <br /> positioned to the east of the Maurer redwood grove. This would entail a "snaking" of the drive <br /> as it approaches Fremont Road. This would distance the creek from the drive at the point of <br /> access. He felt children would be less inclined to associate these two features with one another if <br /> they are separated by a grove of trees. The snaking effect will also aid in keeping vehicle speed- <br /> to a minimum. Due to the access that needs to be maintained for this channel, there needs to be <br /> at least a utility road along there. <br /> Commissioner Schreiner asked if the driveway was moved to the other side of the property, will <br /> this still give access to.the whole lengthof the channel. The assistance engineer responded any <br /> time you have a road next to a channel, it makes it easier to maintain. <br /> Sandy Humphries, Environmental. Design Committee, stated even though she is in close <br /> proximity to this project, the Committee requested she be their representative. She had <br /> knowledge of the tree shown to be removed, providing some history. The concern of the <br /> committee is with the road being cut to the left side of the tree, and a cut being made to the right <br /> side of the tree for the drainage situation, potentially not having enough root space remaining on <br /> the redwoods. They have a very shallow root system going no deeper than six feet into the <br /> ground. She felt this tree is a survivor. She has not seen the arborist report provided by the <br /> applicant, as yet. The Planning Director reviewed the arborist report. Ms. Humphries noted that <br /> there are a number of small seedling trees which are establishing themselves under the redwood <br /> tree which the committee would like to promote this in this area. The committee was not as <br /> concerned with the Russian olive tree as with the 50 year old redwood since the olive tree is not <br /> native. <br /> Dave Pefley, 26169 Maurer Lane, has been working with the Town for approximately three years <br /> regarding the drainage channel. His first choice for safety and better property usage would be to <br /> put an underground storm drain system through this troubled area, although the Town is not <br /> going in this direction. His second choice for solutions would be to have an underground system <br /> to the tri-point of the Silvestri, Maurer, Pefley properties, then open up, going straight along the <br /> Maurer and Pefley border, which he felt would be the next best solution, 'although he was told <br />
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