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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
January 14, 1998
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/7/2016 12:54:09 PM
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12/7/2016 12:54:07 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Deceember 10,1997 Draft Regular Meeting Minutes
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> December 10, 1997 <br /> Page 7 <br /> this was not technically possible. He further discussed other options previously discussed with <br /> the Town. He would like to make sure before this subdivision is approved that the entire <br /> drainage system is approved, and not misleading people into signing easements. He does not feel <br /> the drainage situation is 100%resolved. He further voiced concern with any two story structures <br /> in the La Paloma corridor. <br /> Jeff Lea, project engineer, addressed safety issues regarding the driveway as he did not see any <br /> safety benefit by moving the driveway over to the other side of the property. <br /> Tom Puorro, 26296 Fremont Road, again voiced his preference for the placement on the other <br /> side of the property. The Planning Director commented there would have to be some type of <br /> road for channel maintenance. Staff or the project engineer do not feel that the amount of water <br /> that would collect on this road creates a safety problem with people getting in and out of these <br /> lots. They do understand a road coming in so close to the creek may be more inviting to children <br /> then having the road go around the redwoods, then paralleling the creek. This is not the kind of <br /> location were you will have five feet of water over the roadway. If there is water here, it is only <br /> a few inches of water covering a broad flat area. The Chairman suggested a low fence to offer <br /> some protection. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commissioner Schreiner asked for more clarification regarding the drainage system which was <br /> reviewed by the assistant engineer. Commissioner Schreiner further discussed setbacks and the <br /> placement of homes. Fremont Road is considered a scenic road, stating the following: a larger <br /> setback from Fremont Road (55-60 foot setback); height restrictions; proposed two feet of fill in <br /> the central area on the property; the impact on raising the pad and height of future homes; and <br /> impact on the area(La Paloma basin and Fremont Road). Another issue is if the access easement <br /> is revised, it would decrease the development area on lot 1 which would require a lot line <br /> adjustment to adjust the numbers. It was noted that there is not a map of the La Paloma corridor. <br /> Commissioner Cheng felt there was no reason for two driveways on the property. She did like <br /> Mr. Osterlund's driveway suggestion. She also felt only Parcel A was in the La Paloma corridor. <br /> Chairman Gottlieb discussed the proposed circular driveway in a school area asking for only one <br /> driveway for the two lots, the development figures for the two lots be more equal, height <br /> restrictions for both houses, and a larger setback from the road for Parcel B (scenic road). <br /> Regarding construction, restrict all off street parking, especially during school hours. <br /> Commissioner Jinkerson supported the driveway next to the swale although he would not want <br /> this to be policy as there are unique circumstances surrounding the La Paloma basin. He made <br /> the following recommendations: only one driveway; a 60 foot setback for Parcel B; a lot line <br /> adjustment between the two parcels; no basements on either lots; maximum height of 23 feet <br /> measured from the existing grade; and the clarification that the La Paloma corridor ends at <br /> Fremont Road. <br />
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