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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> " December 10, 1997 <br /> Page 8 <br /> RE-OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Nader Zatparvar, applicant, felt this was more of the Town's project then his. From the <br /> beginning, all recommendations came from the City Engineer or the Planning Director, and staff. <br /> He felt this project could help the Town regarding the drainage problem. They have volunteered <br /> to work with the Town in any regard and were expecting a little more flexibility with this project. <br /> He did not understand why they would have to build something lower than the neighbors when <br /> views are not being blocked. He asked that the height be measured after the fill to have the same <br /> as the surrounding neighbors. They were planning a one story house (23 feet) on lot 1, but <br /> because of the higher floor area numbers on lot 2, they were planning a two story structure. <br /> Regarding the roadway, the City Manager was the first person to ask for the roadway next to the <br /> channel for ease of maintenance. <br /> Jeff Lea, project engineer, clarified that the proposed one to two feet of fill is not directly <br /> intended to get up to the 100 year flood height. The City Engineer felt with Mr. Zatparvar <br /> funding a civic/capital improvement both with land and money for the benefit of the Town, he <br /> should not be penalized by having to haul away the dirt that is coming out of this channel that is <br /> being built for the benefit of the Town. They should simply be able to move those spoils directly <br /> over into an area that obviously needs to be higher anyway. He clarified that there will not be <br /> two feet of fill maximum over the entire site. The finished floor is shown at the 100 year flood <br /> height plus one foot. As a separate issue, he has 1100 cubic yards of dirt that they either haul off <br /> the lot or dispose of. He can spread it out uniformly over the entire lot seven inches deep as part <br /> of the development of these two parcels in a more effective manner with dirt in some areas being <br /> zero and in some areas 1 1/2 to 2 feet deep. The plans show for Parcel A, a finished floor at 212; <br /> the natural grade ranges from 209-211 elevation. The amount of dirt that is coming out is very <br /> close to what they need to make the building pads were they meet flood compliance, rather then <br /> using foundation walls. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Discussion and consensus ensued regarding the following: driveway to go around the redwoods; <br /> joint driveway; split rail fence along the driveway; easement over the channel allowing <br /> maintenance and reconstruction; revise lot configuration to meet code; both lots considered in the <br /> La Paloma corridor; 60 foot setback from Fremont Road; no basements as long as in the flood <br /> plain; and height 23 feet above finished grade, finished grade two feet above existing grade <br /> (consistent with other approvals in the La Paloma corridor). <br />