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I . ( <br /> • <br /> Minutes of a Regular Meeting DRAFT <br /> - Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> Wednesday, January 14, 1998, 7:00 p.m. <br /> Council Chambers, 26379 Fremont Road <br /> cc: Cassettes (4)#1-98 <br /> 1. ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br /> The Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. in the Council <br /> Chambers at Town Hall. <br /> Present: Chairman Gottlieb, Commissioners Schreiner, Cheng& Jinkerson <br /> Staff: Jeff Peterson, City Manager; Curtis Williams, Planning Director; Sheryl <br /> Proft, Assistant Engineer; Suzanne Davis, Planner; Lath Lonberger, <br /> Planning Secretary <br /> 2. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 3.1 LANDS OF GODINHO, 12250 Menalto Drive (115-97-ZP-SD); A request <br /> for a Site Development Permit for a new residence and pool (continued <br /> from September 10, 1997). <br /> The Planning Director introduced this item noting a correction to the Assessors Parcel <br /> Number, and the proposed height and width of one of the chimneys which the applicant <br /> had already agreed to reduce. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Jeanine Unterleitner, the Residential Designer, discussed the changes to the plan from the <br /> September 10th meeting which include the following: moved house approximately 25 feet <br /> down the hill and slightly to the west, lowering the overall pad and height of the house <br /> about three feet; garage shifted to the west side of the house and elimination of the <br /> basement elevation; garage is now a two-car garage with two additional spaces provided <br /> along with adequate turnaround in front of the house; decking around the pool and a <br /> walkway from the pool to the house have been added; and they have agreed to delete the <br />