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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> January 28, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Art Lachenbruch, 11820 Buena Vista Drive, was in support of the project, although he was <br /> concerned with pathways and right-of-way issues. Buena Vista Drive is a private, small, <br /> local road which the residents prefer. He was concerned with the road dedication and the <br /> treatment of the entrance at Page Mill Road. He was concerned with the amount of <br /> dedication being required at the Moody Road, Buena Vista Drive and Page Mill Road <br /> intersection due to the 30 foot radius. He stated this was a enormously important piece of <br /> real estate, asking the Commission to take care of it and maintain the existing trees <br /> (screening). Regarding the pathways, he noted a safety issue with the Page Mill Road as <br /> the pathway is proposed in a dangerous location and once beyond the Wilson property <br /> there is no way to continue it safely. The path would be better across the street on the Palo <br /> Alto Hills Park. Also, he felt it would be better to grant the pathway over the road rather <br /> than the proposed five foot wide native path to be constructed on the south side of Buena <br /> Vista Drive. <br /> Wayne Balkenhol, 11470 Page Mill Road, agreed with Mr. Lachenbruch on the pathway <br /> issue as he did not feel a pathway on Page Mill Road was feasible. He requested that the <br /> area between Moody Road and Buena Vista Drive be kept natural to avoid any confusion <br /> as to the location of Page Mill Road. Enlarging Buena Vista Drive would cause problems. <br /> Peter Duxbury, provided a diagram for consideration indicating how they would backfill <br /> against the back wall so the basement would comply with the Town ordinance. Retaining <br /> walls would not be needed. <br /> Bob Stutz, Pathway Committee, discussed the two proposed pathways indicating the <br /> importance of the links. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the proposed skylights, the standard skylight condition <br /> wording (needs to be added to the conditions of approval), the basement, and the right-of- <br /> way dedications. The assistant engineer addressed the right-of-way issue noting the <br /> additional area beyond the 30 foot half street for Page Mill Road and Moody Road will be <br /> attached to Buena Vista Drive and will remain private at this time. No widening is <br /> required at the intersection of Buena Vista Drive and Page Mill Road. Only minor <br /> widening will be required at the driveway intersection of Buena Vista Drive, as shown on <br /> the plans. She clarified that the Town would not accept the Buena Vista Drive dedication <br /> at this time, but would get an irrevocable offer to dedicate which is held until such time <br /> that all properties have dedicated and the road is upgraded to public standards. The <br /> Planning Director stated he has reviewed the revised basement plan and it appears to bring <br /> the project into conformance with the basement policy. The assistant engineer stated that <br /> the proposal would not require retaining walls and would blend into the natural contours. <br />