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Planning Commission: February 25, 1998 <br /> Congregation Beth Am: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 12 <br /> ATTACHMENT 3 <br /> EXHIBIT "C" <br /> FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL OF <br /> CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RENEWAL <br /> LANDS OF CONGREGATION BETH AM <br /> 26790 ARASTRADERO ROAD <br /> #189-97-ZP-SD-CUP-GD-ND <br /> 1. The proposed use or facility is properly located in relation to the community as a <br /> whole, land uses, and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity; <br /> The church has been located on this site for 40. years. Access is to a major through <br /> roadway connecting the Town to Palo Alto and to Highway 280, and does not conflict <br /> with neighboring residents. The proposed multi-purpose buildings are situated over 120 <br /> feet from property lines to retain the openness existing with current neighbors. The <br /> church serves community members in Los Altos Hills, Los Altos, and Palo Alto, so it is <br /> conveniently located in proximity to all three cities. <br /> 2. The site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the <br /> proposed use and all yards, open spaces, walls and fences, parking, loading, <br /> landscaping, and such other features as may be required by this chapter or will be <br /> needed to assure that the proposed use will be reasonably compatible with land uses <br /> normally permitted in the surrounding area; <br /> The site is over 9 acres in size, and can accommodate the proposed use, buildings, and <br /> required parking and remain compatible with residential uses in the surrounding area. In <br /> particular, setbacks are proposed far in excess of the minimum required, and measures are <br /> proposed to minimize lighting and noise impacts to neighbors. Most of the existing <br /> parking spaces which encroach into setbacks will be relocated to conform with <br /> setback requirements. <br /> 3. The site for the proposed use will be served by streets and highways of adequate <br /> width and pavement to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated by the <br /> proposed use; <br /> The site has access directly to Arastradero Road. A traffic study has been prepared by <br /> the applicant and indicates that the project and use will not have a significant impact on <br /> the road or nearby intersections. The study recommended, however, that left turns from <br /> the site to Arastradero be prohibited at weekday peak hours, which is included as a <br /> condition of the use permit and Negative Declaration. <br /> 4. The proposed use will not adversely affect the abutting property or the permitted <br /> use thereof. <br /> The project includes several mitigation measures to assure that abutting property is not <br /> adversely impacted. These include construction of a sound wall and limitations on noise <br /> and hours of operation; revised lighting to minimize visibility to neighbors; traffic <br /> control requirements; and on-site and off-site drainage improvements. The new <br /> buildings will provide setbacks from adjacent properties well in excess of minimum <br /> setback requirements. Most of the existing parking spaces which encroach into <br /> setbacks will be relocated to conform with setback requirements. <br />