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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
Febuary 25, 1998
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Last modified
12/7/2016 2:11:20 PM
Creation date
12/7/2016 1:53:50 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Permit for Construction of New Multi-Purpose Building, Additions to Existing Administrative Offices and Classroom Buildings, and Parking; and Proposed Negative Declaration; Lands of Congregation Beth AM; 26790 Arastradero Road; File #189-97-ZP-SD-CUP-ND
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Planning Commission: February 25, 1998 <br /> Congregation Beth Am: Conditional Use Permit <br /> Page 2 <br /> provided at this time, however, is still not complete and staff has a few concerns with the <br /> appropriateness of the general concept of a detention basin. <br /> A detention basin is used to reduce the peak flow and velocity of water downstream, <br /> thereby reducing the potential for erosion. There have been a few detention basins built <br /> with other projects in the Town, that have provided staff with firsthand knowledge <br /> concerning the maintenance of the basins. Typically, the basins have either a concrete or <br /> asphalt lining in the bottom. While this provides for easier cleaning of the basin, it also <br /> has a tendency to result in standing water in the basins. The Town sometimes receives <br /> calls from residents concerned with mosquito breeding in areas of standing water and the <br /> eyesore of an algae covered"pond". <br /> Another important issue to consider is the annual maintenance of the detention basin. <br /> Since silt tends to settle in the basin, the bottom of the basin must be cleaned periodically <br /> in order for it to maintain its required capacity. Since the storm drainage flow into the <br /> basin includes runoff from parking lots which may contain gasoline and oils, the material <br /> must be disposed of at an approved location. If the detention option is approved, <br /> condition #13 of the conditional use permit would need to be revised to include a <br /> maintenance program for the detention basin. <br /> If a determination concerning the granting of easements by the downstream neighbors has <br /> not been reached by the time of the meeting, the Commission may either (1) approve the <br /> project with the stated conditions, or (2) ask the applicant if they want to defer the project <br /> for another two weeks to complete analysis of the detention basin option. <br /> Noise Standards <br /> At the Commission's request, staff has included as an attachment the Town Code <br /> standards for noise limitations. Also attached is a table of"typical" noise levels for your <br /> information. <br /> Environmental Review <br /> In accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), <br /> staff has prepared a Negative Declaration to support the project. The Commission <br /> reviewed the Negative Declaration at the last meeting and suggested no changes. <br /> Staff is available to respond to questions from the Commission or the public. <br /> ATTACHMENTS <br /> 1. Exhibit A: Conditions of Approval for Conditional Use Permit <br /> 2. Exhibit B: Conditions of Approval for Site Development Permit <br /> 3. Exhibit C: Findings for Approval for Conditional Use Permit <br /> 4. Negative Declaration <br /> 5. Draft Minutes of February 11, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting <br /> 6. Noise Standards <br /> I <br />
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